
14 solutions to beat plastic pollution

14 solutions to beat plastic pollution

( r e ) build the world: 14 interesting short & long-term solutions addressing the plastic pollution problem

14 solutions to beat plastic pollution

( r e ) build the world: 14 interesting short & long-term solutions addressing the plastic pollution problem

recycled plastic hangers: the better choice

recycled plastic hangers: the better choice

( r e )cycled plastic hangers vs velvet vs wood vs platic vs wire: hang up the rest for good

recycled plastic hangers: the better choice

( r e )cycled plastic hangers vs velvet vs wood vs platic vs wire: hang up the rest for good

define and imagine a circular economy

define and imagine a circular economy

( r e )imagine an improved future as we define the circular economy

define and imagine a circular economy

( r e )imagine an improved future as we define the circular economy

educate & learn with sustainable dorm hangers

educate & learn with sustainable dorm hangers

( r e )lax, sustainable clothes hangers for dorms are here to save the day

educate & learn with sustainable dorm hangers

( r e )lax, sustainable clothes hangers for dorms are here to save the day

28 ideas to crush plastic-free July

28 ideas to crush plastic-free July

( r e )ly on these 28 ideas to help you participate in plastic-free july every month of the year.

28 ideas to crush plastic-free July

( r e )ly on these 28 ideas to help you participate in plastic-free july every month of the year.

fight fast fashion's impact

fight fast fashion's impact

(r e )fuse the environmental effects of fast fashion: join the collective fighting for a better future

fight fast fashion's impact

(r e )fuse the environmental effects of fast fashion: join the collective fighting for a better future